Friday, April 26th, 2024

About Us

Welcome to Open Heart Charity, Canada’s top-ranked commercial news site is now accessible to more than 4m* Canadians. The dedicated journalists and News Corp Canada’s strength ensure that the news is always fresh.

Our readers want to know the truth so we provide them with real news updates throughout the day. We share what people think and discuss the topics that make people talk. We cover both Canadian and international moments, from politics to pop culture. We are here to interact with readers. When appropriate, we provide an alternative perspective on the news that includes humor when it is least expected.

Open Heart Charity provides the latest news in color on health, environment, and lifestyle. Our content is available wherever users are.

Our values
Open Heart Charity’s website is based on our values. Trust is the cornerstone of Open Heart Charity. Your trust is important to us. We make sure we verify all information before we share it with you.

We want to get it right the first time. We are a national voice. Open Heart Charity’s 22 journalists work exclusively for us. We offer a National perspective with articles from the top news services across Canada and the world.

Open, balanced and fair reporting is our goal. Open Heart Charity journalists write to entertain, engage and inform you. Open Heart Charity offers a digital news service you can trust to deliver the news you need, wherever and whenever it is needed – whether you are using your computer, smartphone, or tablet.